When Goal Kills!!!!!!! (Supposedly) SAD HISTORY

Hey friend you Know Goal not only get your life to fame but also kills you (a paraphrase) but this sad incident has taken place with a very famous footballer 

Name: Andrés Escobar Saldarriaga          

famous line"Life doesn't end here".

Country: Colombia

ClubColombian club Atletico Nacional and Swiss club Young Boys

International Goal scored :1 : Against England: Match was draw: 1988 Rous Cup

 Killer Goal Event:

Date 22nd June 1994 World Cup

Against : United States

Match Result: 2-1 In favor of United States 

Host Nation: United States

Day of Assassination

When 1st July Year 1994

Place : El Indio nightclub parking lot

Time: Approximately 3 next Morning,

Killer Arrived: 3 men starts argument, 2men take out handguns, but was shot by Humberto Muñoz

Pistol Model: .38 caliber

Shot: 6times

Killer shouted: "¡Gol!" ("Goal!")  after each fire

Last Breath: 45 Min latter in a hospital

Punishment to Killer:  45 years in prison and to pay a compensation of $40,000,000 Colombian pesos (near $ 49,000 USD) to Escobar’s family.

Andrés Escobar Saldarriaga

Humberto Muñoz

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  1. So sad!! I know the incident, but not aware about, Killer shouted Goal Goal, thanks for the information


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