Pok-A-Tok or Gomacari

Hello Friends Continuing our series in development of football, we have come up with 3rd series.

In the first two part we discussed the very primitive form of football form known as Cuju and Kemari, take a small look on those, where Cuju was about kicking a leather ball from 30ft while kemari was more of kick ball where ball should not be dropped to the ground
Now we have reached to another form known as Pok-A-Tok or Gomacari around 3000 BCE, evidence of which was discovered in MEXICO, the discovery indicates the MAYANS dynasty playing this form of ancient football
The object of the game was to shoot a leather ball through a vertically mounted ring at the end of a forty/fifty yards long field. The players could use their feet, legs, hips or elbows.
Variations of this game were developed and played by Aztecs and Zapotecs. The Aztec's game is perhaps most well-known because the players of the losing team were put to death at the sacrificial altar…. Stay Tuned for more… information on Aztecs and Zapotecs

Name of game: Pok-A-Tok or Gomacari 
When: 3000 BCE
Dynasty: Mayans
Discovery: Mexico
Objects: The object of the game was to shoot a leather ball through a vertically mounted ring at the end of a forty/fifty yards long field.
Allowed: The players could use their feet, legs, hips or elbows.

Claim: The blog strictly prohibits the use of the content published here, under any form in any location

Owner-Ship: Blog do not claim the owner ship of any information published here, it is collection of information from the sources referred in the references, if the reader or the original owner of the content found some issues with references, connect with us on footballfactzz@gmail.com

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