Aztec version of Pok A Tok : Human sacrifice and Ancient Football

Hello friends continuing our series on ancient version of football, where we have covered three different variants Cuju, kemari and Pok A Tok, both though similar in approach have little variation of rules.
In last series while reading about Pok A Tok, we hit upon mention of dynasty known as Aztecs and Zapotecs, the mention came with a highlighting point where we have mention of human sacrifice related to game of football in these dynasties, so we use this space to have a look on of the dynasty Aztecs,


Aztecs Dynasty/Empire also known as triple alliance existed around 1430, the allies were Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopna, forming an empire around valley of mexico
Version of Pok A Tok, the game where basic rules are concerned remains same, which is of hitting the ball through thigh and hip  towards goal circle which is situated at height above the ground, what is found unique is stadium and ground specially designed for this game and the importance attached to this game.

Commoners, warriors and noble family men all played this game attaching it the significant importance, the game was more physical and use of thigh and hips some time lasting upto days before a team can win it.

Another unique purpose of this game for Aztecs dynasty was to settle the conflicts, where leader of the loosing team or at time the entire team was put to sacrifice on altar of sacrifice
Historic research shows us that this part of human sacrifice was unique for this game and to this dynasty

In the coming series we will take a look at another dynasty where this game has human sacrifice related to it


Name of game: Pok-A-Tok or Gomacari 

Dynasty: Aztecs

When: 1430

Who were Aztecs:  Triple alliance of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopna

Discovery: Mexico

Objects: The object of the game was to shoot a leather ball through a vertically mounted ring at the end of a forty/fifty yards long field.

Allowed: The players could use their feet, legs, hips or elbows.

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