Mob games: Medieval version of football for entire Towns and Villages

Mob Games

Hello Friends
Continuing our series tracking the growth of ancient football, in the series where we discussed forms of ancient football Cuju, Kemari, Pok a Tok, we have reached the stage of middle ages football famously known as Mob Games


1)     Name of Game: Mob games

2)     Cultures Involved: Celtic and Anglo-Saxon

3)     Number of Players: Unlimited

4)     Teams: Village against village, town against town

5)     Rules: Hit the ball towards a landmark

This form of football was played during Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures, before proceeding ahead let us read few lines on Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures,

Celts consisted of Indo-European people in Iron age and Medieval part of Europe, while Anglo-Saxons were people from German tribes, migrated to Island of Great Britain during the period of 5th century

This form of middle age football is known as mob game as it involved entire Villages or Towns. Where towns were pitted against another town, village against another village, unlimited number of players each trying to hit the ball towards specific landmarks

Due to huge number of players involved there were large blood sheds, which forced various rulers to ban the game, but still somehow it carried with cultures

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